
Committed Proprietress, Designer-in-Chief, Honcho

Jen, aka Committed Proprietress, Designer-in-Chief, Honcho

Graphic designer. Baby mama. Seattle lover. Gift maker. Special occasion celebrator. DIYer. Thrifter.

Proprietress of Committed LLC.

I am creative for a living, but lately I’ve found most of my creative energy going toward entertaining my toddler or figuring out how to live a more sane life.

This blog has evolved over the last few months from showcasing design and general snarkiness to sharing my baby- and kid-related ideas. I live a lucky, but crazy life (See: husbandchild, new house). I am addicted to projects. I rarely finish any of them. I can wield a hammer, a paintbrush, and an Xacto with gusto. I fail often. I succeed sometimes. I have a ridiculous number of side projects and have no business having a blog.

I’m still finding my voice as a writer. Hopefully you’ll get a giggle or two, take away some inspiration (and of course, cite your source!). I’d love to hear about your bright ideas, successes and failures in DIY adventures, or just commiserate (again, see: husbandchild).

Welcome to my blog.




We should be Facebook friends.
Or Tweet sweet nothings to each other.
We could be Insta-Friends.
Perchance you Behance?
Let’sy Etsy!
Or Pin boards together.

Cuz I think I like you.

10 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for following my blog. You have some fabulous posts! Look forward to reading more. Cheers, Mom of Dragon Boy

  2. Pingback: Another Liebster?!? Color Me Flattered | Committed.

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