
Silicone ice molds

Water, food coloring, and silicone molds are my gateway to bathtime happiness.


Magician costume for baby

Halloween costume ideas for couples and families with babies or toddlers.


Finger painting for toddler

Occupy your toddler with minimal chaos and destruction!

It's no coincidence toddler rhymes with dawdler

Learning to slow down to keep up with little ones.

Thanks for the helpful unsolicited advice, Stranger.

An encounter with a stranger.

Toddlers can help cook

Boxed stuff: easy mixin’. Making cupcakes with a toddler.

Some good, some bad, some ugly DIY crayons.

Make your own crayons!

Plane activities for toddlers

Tips and tricks for cross-country air travel with a toddler.

Bring a friend!

A rice “sand box” for hours of indoor fun for toddlers.

Toddling Around Tokyo

Traveling around Tokyo with a toddler.

Airports are getting savvier to traveler needs, especially parental needs.

Airports are getting savvier to traveler needs, especially parental needs.

Sleeping at last

Keeping up with the Kidless: I get it–new parents don’t go out because they are so. damn. tired.

Toys in odd places.

Anything can become a toy. Just use a little imagination.

What say you, good reader?